
2 Pckg. puff paste

1 Onion

2 Spring onions

3 Zucchinis {medium size}

150 g dried tomatoes {in oliveoil}

½ bunch parsley

2 egss

100 g  whole wheat bread crumbs

herbal salt & pepper

1 egg yolk {for spreading}

Mediterranean Zucchini Tomatoe Strudel

We love eating strudel, but it has not always be a sweet version. The mediterranean zucchini tomatoe strudel is our interpretation for a delicious and hearty strudel. You can enjoy  the strudel as a main dish, but it also tastes cold very well. So you can take the mediterranean zucchini tomatoe strudel to the office or for a spring picknick.  This quick and easy recipe is not only for vegetarians, meatlovers like it as well. It tastes delicious with a sour cream lemon dip.